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  3. Push-button B7 Maxxi

Push-button B7 Maxxi

(v 1.1)

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Safety and usage cautions

Before installing our products, we recommend you to consult the section about safety and usage cautions at the link below


Mounting of B7 Maxxi

A) – Faceplate
B) – Wiring

Dismantling of B7 Maxxi

Mounting of B7 IP54 version, EN81-71 class 1

A) – Faceplate
B) – O-Ring
M) – Screw terminal version (back view)
P) – Prewired version (back view)

Main floor button

A) – Faceplate
B) – O-Ring
C) – Main floor bezel


1.0Download PDF
Main floor version1.1 (current version)Download PDF (English)
Updated on 13 Giugno 2024
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