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MosaicONE online software

(v 1.0)

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Safety and usage cautions

Before installing our products, we recommend you to consult the section about safety and usage cautions at the link below.

Getting Started

What is MosaicONE

MosaicONE is a cloud-based software that allows the user to update and manage any of the networked devices through a web browser. The theme designer allows you to create or edit the displays whenever and wherever you want! You can do it all yourself, or delegate responsibility to other users.

• News, Stocks & RSS feeds
• Time & Weather
• Pictures & Video
• HTML Content
• Position Indicator
• Per-Floor Messaging
• Scheduling
• Fully Customizable


Go to www.mosaicone.net and sign in using your pre-assigned login credentials to access the units in each of your buildings.
Once you log in you will see the following screen:

Click on the building name to access each screen and update/modify content remotely.
When you enter the building, the following interface is available:

At first glance you can determine the status of the units and if they are functioning.

Devices: Status

Clicking on each device in “red” will provide access to detailed information on the status of the device.
For example, the detailed status information for Lift 1 is shown below:

By clicking on “edit device settings” you can change the name and set a pin to apply to the device. Clicking on a device from the “Device” menu opens the sub-menu. The sub-menu shows the “Status”, “Schedule” and “Events” relating to each device.

Devices: Schedule

By clicking on “Schedule” in the left menu for each device, you are able to view the “Theme” that has been scheduled to run on that device. For example, the schedule information for Lift 1 is shown below. By clicking “Add Rule”, you can schedule a second theme to run on the device in addition to the first theme.

Devices: Events

Clicking on “Events” in the sub-menu will show information on the most recent events relating to the device. For example, the “Events” information for Lift 1 is shown below. By clicking “Show More” you can view all the events relating to the device.


By clicking on “Themes” in the left menu, you are able to view the theme that has been scheduled to each device. At first glance from the “Themes” screen, you can view each lift theme, the size of the screen in pixels, whether it has been published to its corresponding device, and the status i.e. whether the theme is “idle” or “active”.


Returning to the main menu, by clicking on “Users” you can view the name, email address and the phone number of people who have been allocated access to the system. An example is shown below.

By clicking on the cog to the right of the screen beside each person, you can edit the details and create a password for each person you have granted access to the system. Clicking the back button on your browser will return you to the main menu from here. An example is shown below:

Event Log

The event log shows the device, the status, the date and time of each event on the system. By clicking on “Show More” you can view all the events relating to the building and its devices.

By clicking “Export to CSV” you can download the events log to your computer.


Returning to the main menu, by clicking on “Credentials” you can view the Providers, their App ID, Username, and password. An example is shown below:

By clicking “Add” you can add Providers. In the example below, the provider “Thomas Reuters” has been added so that this provider can provide information for the “Stock” widget (this is explained further on page 21). An example of a Provider is set out below:


Creating a theme

By clicking on “Themes” in the left menu, you are able to create and manage templates for each device. At the top of the screen you will see the “Create Theme” button. Click on this to create a new theme. Examples are shown below:

In the “Device Type” drop-down menu, choose “Generic” as the device type. Leave the “Position Indicator” unchecked if you do not want the floor position displayed on the device.

The width and height are automatically calculated based on the “Device Type” selected. Do not adjust the settings for width and height from the “New Theme Settings” page, only from the “Device Type” tab.

The “Rotate” tab allows to change between landscape or portrait mode.

Once complete, click “Create Theme”. A new screen will open showing the interface where your new theme can be created and edited.

Tip: Give your theme a name which will assist in identifying which lift or occasion it
applies to for easy reference

Theme editor

The basic functions are situated at the top of the screen, including the cog at the top left which allows you to edit the theme settings.

A) Content options

B) Content area menu

C) Content editing menu

D) Area Properties menu

E) Content properties menu

1) PI Display

2) Logo

3) Video Feed

4) News Reel

5) Date Display

6) Time Display

7) Weather Forcast

8) Current Weather Display

Theme content & areas menu

Content Area Menu & Content Editing Menu: The left menus show the “Areas” contained within the Mosaic screen, and below shows the “Contents” of each Area. You fi rst need to create Areas before you can place Content in your theme. Areas act as frames containing content within the size you make it.

Area Properties Menu & Content Properties Menu: The right menus show the “Area Properties” and the “Content Properties”. These two property menus dynamically change depending on which Area and Content is selected. Here you can edit the contents in more detail (such as name, size, colour, etc.).

Content Options: In the top menu there are tabs to “Add an Area”, and to “Add Standard Content”.

Creating a theme: getting started

When a new theme is fi rst created, the editing space will be blank except for the “Background” Area. You can change the name or color of the background in the Area Properties menu.

In order to add content, you need to fi rst add an Area. When you click on this button, an Area box appears at the top left of the window by default. It will be added to your Areas menu as “Area-1”. The next area by default will be named Area-2, and so on.

An example is shown below. Note: This example is for signage only and does not have a Position Indicator visible.

To add content, have the Area desired selected in the Areas menu (in black), and click on desired Content.

To add Content, fi rst have the Area selected in the Areas menu (in black), and use the top menu. From left to right: Text, Image, Video, Date & Time, News, Weather, Stocks, Theme, HTML.

Tip: If you forget what a button does, hover over it; a tool tip will appear with the name of the button.

Ex. For a background image, while Background is selected in the Areas menu, click on the Image icon on the menu, and upload an image fi le saved locally on your computer. The upload button will appear in the center of the Area. In this example, we uploaded a template.

Designated areas & adding content

To add content to Area-1, fi rst resize the Area frame and position it where desired. You can do this by either clicking and dragging it to size, or (while selected) use the Area Properties menu to update to your specifi c proportions in pixels (this is where you can rename the Area as well).

While an Area is selected, click on an item in the Content Options toolbar to add Content to that Area.

For example, adding an Image will give you an upload screen option like below.

To delete an item in an Area, click on the X beside its name in the Contents menu (needs to be
selected first).

To change the order of an Area or Content, use the arrows to move their position (needs to
be selected fi rst).

Update the transitions in the Area Properties menu. By default it is selected to “Fade”.

Update duration in the Content Properties menu. By default it is 10 seconds.

All content will be added in a similar fashion:

  1. Add area
  2. Resize Area’s size and position
  3. Add Content to Area
  4. Customize Content in Properties menus

To add an image to the Gallery, while the Area is selected, click the Image icon in the Content
Options menu as many times as images you want to rotate in your Gallery. Formats accepted for images are JPEG, PNG, TIFF, GIF and EPS.

To scale your image, select from the Size dropdown menu:

  • Normal: Displays image at exact dimensions
  • Stretch: Fit entire image within the Area size; may distort your image
  • Fit: Shows entire image within the Area, by default scales by height
  • Cover: Scales to width of Area, by default centers vertically


To add Video to an Area, while the Area is selected, click the Film icon in the Content Options
menu. Formats for videos are MP4, MOV, AVI, and MPEG.

Similar to the image function, you will see an “upload” button to upload your video to your theme.

If you want to link a Youtube video, you will need to use the custom HTML function.

Changing colors

To change the border/fill color of an Area, or the color of a font, click on the Color button in either the Area Properties or Content Properties menu. Select a color from the provided color palette to apply the color change.

If you want a cusom color, you will need to manually find the RGB value and type it in this exact format with no spaces:


For example, the blue used in this theme has the format of rgb(14,77,151).

Click OK when ready.

Transition & Duration

If you have multiple Contents in your Areas, the default transition between them is “Fade” and the default duration is 10 seconds per.

The duration can be updated in the Content Properties menu, and can be seen quickly at the bottom right of each Content in an Area.

Transition is applied to the entire Area. The following transitions are available to choose from:

  • Fade
  • Slide Down
  • Slide Left
  • Slide Right
  • Slide Up


To add News to an Area, while the Area is selected, click the News icon in the Content Options

News Provider can be selected in the first Content Properties drop-down menu. You can also customize the duration of the news feed, and how many items of news you would like displayed at once. A separtate property area is provided for headline font and content font.

Available Providers:

  • CNBC
  • CNN
  • Global
  • Thomson Reuters
  • Yahoo
  • Custom

If the News feed you desire is not one of the options, select “Custom” and enter the url of the RSS feed for the news channel. Ex. BBC World News is http://feeds.bbci.co.uk/news/world/rss.xml and was entered into the URL box in the example above.

Date & Time

To add the Date and/or Time to an Area, while the Area is selected, click the Clock icon in the
Content Options menu.

Date and Time can be added together in one Area, or separately depending on the format selected in the drop down menus.

The following formats are available to choose from:

3/29/20197:30 PM
Mar 29, 20197:30:59 PM
March 29, 201919h30

If you don’t want either date or time displayed, select “none”.


To add the Weather to an Area, while the Area is selected, click the Sun icon in the Content
Options menu.

The location will automatically be determined by the location of your building. If you would like to display weather from elsewhere, type in the location in the text box. you would like the weather to display for.

There are two styles of icons to choose from: Vector or Hot. Examples below:

Basic format will display today’s date, while Advanced format can display up to 5 days.
By default the temperature will display in celsius; select the fahrenheit checkbox to display in fahrenheit.


To add Stocks to an Area, while the Area is selected, click the Graph icon in the Content Options menu.

Here you can specify which Stocks you want displayed by listing them in the Symbols textbox.

Create separate Content Containers and select Transition “Slide Down” for a traditional stock transition. Duration between sets of stock symbols can also be customized.

You can also customize the font, size, gain colour and loss colour to suit your theme design.
A list of compatible stock symbols can be found at:


To add Existing Themes to an Area, while the Area is selected, click the Building Blocks icon in the Content Options menu.

This tool allows for existing themes to display within another theme.

This can come in handy to schedule different content at different times within an Area to keep the display consistent.

The themes must be saved and published in the same building to be able to display in a Content Area.

Custom HTML

To add Custom HTML to an Area, while the Area is selected, click the Script icon in the Content
Options menu.

This is an advanced feature that allows you to customize Areas of your theme through HTML code. This includes embedded Youtube videos.

Simply enter your HTML code into the box. The Area will act as an iframe.
Similar to other Areas, you can time the duration of different HTML Containers.
This is fully customizeable within the Area.


To display a website, enter the full URL into the box.
Ex.: DIDO’s website would be entered as:

Position Indicator

When creating a new theme, be sure to have the Position Indicator checkbox selected. It will then automatically be added as the top-most layer to the theme Areas. It can be minimized at any time.

The following sub-areas are included with the PI. Any element can be hidden. Uncheck the “Visible” box in Area Properties to hide.

  • Floor (font customization)
  • Direction (arrow style customization)
  • Elevator ID
  • Maximum Persons
  • Maximum Weight
  • Logo 2 (no smoking icon)
  • Logo 1 (CE icon)

Position indicator is required to be a minimum of 2″ in height. The minimum pixel size is given in the Content Properties menu.

# of floors is updated locally by MAD.

To preview the look of the floor numbers, change the floor number in the Content Properties area when Floor is selected. At this time, the floors do not change in the preview window.

Save, publish & preview

In order to Preview your theme, you first need to Save (floppy disk icon) and Publish (upload icon) your theme in the top-right menu. Then Exit to return to the Themes menu.

From here you will see a green checkmark under the Published column. Click on the green checkmark to launch a new tab in your browser to preview your theme.

If you have Saved but not Published your theme, a yellow checkmark will appear instead of a green one. Your theme Preview will be from the last time you Published your theme.

It takes approximately 15 minutes for the system to to update the devices after Publishing.

Duplicate a Theme

Once your theme has been created, you can edit it at any time by clicking on the name of a theme, or from the gear icon selecting Edit.

You can also Publish, Schedule, Copy or Delete a theme from here.

If your theme was created with a PI, it will only be able to duplicate as a PI theme. The same goes for a Digital Signage theme.

Once your theme has been created, you can edit it at any time by clicking on the name of a theme, or from the gear icon selecting Edit.

You can also Publish, Schedule, Copy or Delete a theme from here.

Schedule a Theme

To schedule a default theme to your device, in the Themes page, click “Schedule” in the drop-down menu from the gear icon.

Select the Device you want your theme to be selected to in the pop-up.

For advanced options in theme scheduling, go to Schedule in the Devices submenu.

Click “Add rule” to schedule a theme for a specific day or time. You can add as many rules as you’d like with whichever themes you’ve created.

Only themes that are compatible with the device will appear in the drop-down menu.

Pairing with MosaicONE software

Procedure for pairing a Matisse/DSD device with the MOSAICONE cloud software.

The following procedure only works if you already have a MosaicONE account with a building associated with your login credentials.

Generate the PIN code

Access the MosaiONE software (www.mosaicone.net) with your credentials and select the building in which you want to pair the device.

Select the device you want to pair with.

Select “Change Device”

In the new window, click on «Create PIN». A 5-digit PIN will be generated which must be entered into the MATISSE DSD device. Click on «SAVE» and close the window.

Attention: write down the PIN because it is valid for 24 hours, then you will have to repeat the procedure.

Enter the PIN and connect the Matisse DSD to the MosaicONE network.

After connecting Matisse DSD to the network (see “Wirings” section), press ENTER to access the menu. Use the arrows to scroll to “MosaicOne Cloud” and press ENTER to access it.

Select “MosaicOne Cloud registration PIN” and press ENTER.

Use the arrows to enter the previously stored 5-digit numeric PIN and select “done”. Press ESC to exit the menu.

Now the Matisse DSD is connected to the MosaicONE cloud software and it will be possible to customize it directly from the software.

Check MosaicONE cloud connection

Access the “MosaicOne Cloud” menu again. Check the following values detected directly from the Cloud:

  • “Device registered to MosaicOne” – Show if the device is connected to the cloud = YES
  • “MosaicOne device ID” – Automatic assignment of device unique ID = ID value
  • “MosaicOne device Name” – Shows the name of the building and device registered on the cloud

Access the “Network” menu to check the following:

  • Network Interface = Ethernet
  • Enable DHTP = YES
If no value is displayed, the connection to the network may fail.

Main reasons for network connection failure.

  • PIN entry incorrect or expired – repeat procedure.
  • No building present or associated device creation error.
  • No physical connection to the network (ETHERNET) – check Matisse-router connections.
  • No network coverage signal – Check connection by positioning the modem correctly.
  • If data SIM is used, check available traffic.

Technical Details

Floor designations

The Position Indicator number is controlled by MAD locally (not MosaicONE) as the system is set up as a hybrid solution. Size, font, colour, and style of the PI can be managed by the user.

System updates

The system requires updates to the firmware on a regular basis. Once the system is handed over and you are in control of MosaicONE and its content, it is your responsibility to ensure that the system is updated. You will be notified when updates are required to the system.

What happens if my device goes offline?

The device will automatically update every 15 minutes. If for some reason the device cannot connect to the building’s Internet connection, it will continue to display the last updated information until the connection is back. You will be able to see the status change in your MosaicONE panel “Devices” under the “Status” column.


In the event of system failure, contact your Project Manager to arrange for repair by MAD. The cost of any failures, faults or defects not covered by the warranty are the responsibility of the client.

Device setup ?

Our MAD team is happy to help with the initial setup and training to use your device. Please contact our Tech Support team.

How to reboot my MAD screen

You will need to open the COP panel and power cycle the Matisse device/player.


Our in-house technical support team is happy to help with any questions, concerns, or suggestions for improvement!

Email: [email protected]

Phone: 647-925-4520

Toll Free: 1 (866) 967-8500

To access MosaicONE


1.0 (current version)Download PDF
Updated on 18 Novembre 2021
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